Freedom Joy Fitness Balance Energy Strength Peace Bliss
About Divine Wellness
Are you ready to transform?
Are you ready to discover what's been preventing you from creating a life for yourself and a YOU that you've never imagined possible until now?
How would you like to receive vision and guidance that lifts you from where you are in this moment to the unique potential that is available to you, so that you can experience life in a way you never have before?
My name is Erin Corddry and I am a Metaphysician Practitioner and Life Transformation Coach. I offer personal coaching to assist you in your dedication to self discovery through healing, empowerment, and consciousness expansion. My sessions provide you with new awarenesses which enable energetic shifts as well as potential for physical transformation.
If you're ready to learn how you can become the greatest version of who you were meant to be, contact me for a session today!
Inner Light
Life Transformational
Empowerment Coaching
Deep Therapy
Fitness, Nutrition & Massage
Explore my services
Erin Corddry
Hi there, wonderful souls!
I am an intuitive and conscious individual entrusting the universe and living by the guidance of spirit and my inner voice.
My personal transformation journey is what has always inspired me to help others.
From massage, as the gateway to my work as a healer, to becoming a personal trainer through my love of fitness,
becoming a certified health coach, experimenting with
various dietary theories over the years until I found the best formula for myself while discovering how best to help others, and undergoing profound transformational healing through the processes of transpersonal psychology, uncovering my gifts as an intuitive channel along the way...
Through the work I have done for myself, I have become the happiest, most free, version of who I am today, living a self-loving, self-fulfilled, purpose-driven, joyful and abundant life,
It is with great honor that I am able to offer guidance to you, to help you discover the unique potential that is available to you!
If you have been struggling and desire to learn what's been preventing you from living your most fulfilling life, I invite you for a session with me so you can begin to create an experience for yourself that you never imagined possible until now!
Metaphysician Practitioner
Delphi University, Georgia 2020
Dedication to self-discovery and expansion ​
In-Depth studies of human consciousness, spirituality, metaphysics, cosmology, health and energy medicine
Certified Holistic Health Coach
Institute for Integrative Nutrition, NYC, New York, 2013
Certified Personal Trainer
National Academy of Sports Medicine, Arizona, 2013
Certified Insanity Instructor
Beach Body Fitness, California-Virginia, 2013
Authentic Communicator
Landmark Education: Landmark Forum, Advanced Course, Access to Power, Power to Create, Virginia 2011-2012
Licensed Massage Therapist
National Massage Therapy Institute, Falls Church, Virginia, 2009
East Carolina University, Greenville, North Carolina, 1996